In Singapore, the demands of social and economic development make it imperative for students to be proficient in English as a lingua franca. In addition, the increasingly competitive international environment demands continuous improvement in language proficiency and communicative skills. As such, English language learning is very important in Singapore. The Singapore Ministry of Education has also stated that the focus of the Primary English Syllabus (latest edition: 2020) is to consolidate and extend students' language skills in the primary years through an enjoyment of the language and the promotion of extensive reading; and to develop students' language knowledge and enhance their ability to apply language independently by leveraging their speaking, reading, and writing skills. If you'd like more details on the Primary English Syllabus 2020, please read through the article!
There are totally 6 aspects of requirement.
Listening and Viewing
Reading and Viewing
Speaking and Representing
Writing and Representing
1. Listening and Viewing

A. Listening and viewing closely with a positive disposition
Develop positive listening and viewing attitudes and behaviours
Develop auditory skills to discriminate meanings from others’ words
Develop listening and viewing skills for understanding by focusing on literal and inferential meaning
B. Listening and Viewing Critically
Develop critical listening and viewing by focusing on implied meaning, higher-order thinking and evaluation
C. Listening and Viewing Extensively
Listen to, view and respond to a variety of texts
2. Reading and Viewing

A. Reading and Viewing Closely
Develop reading and viewing readiness, word recognition skills, accuracy, fluency and positive reading and viewing attitudes and behaviour
Process and comprehend age/year level appropriate texts by focusing on literal and inferential meaning
B. Reading and Viewing Critically
Analyse, evaluate and appreciate age/year level appropriate texts by focusing on implied meaning, higher-order thinking and judgement
C. Reading and Viewing Widely and Extensively for Different Purposes
Respond to a wide and extensive range of texts for enjoyment and understanding how grammatical/lexical items and semiotic modes are used in diverse contexts
3. Speaking and Representing

A. Knowledge Base for Speaking and Representing
Develop knowledge and awareness of the features of speaking and representing
Develop accuracy and fluency in speaking and representing
B. Speaking and Representing Confidently and Effectively
Explore, generate, develop and organise ideas respectfully as individuals and collaboratively in planned and/or spontaneous situations
Speak and represent confidently, coherently and cohesively for a variety of purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures
Monitor, review, revise and refine responsibly before, during and after speaking and representing
4. Writing and Representing

A. Acquiring the Mechanics of Writing
Develop writing readiness and handwriting to write accurately and fluently
Use accurate and consistent spelling
B. Writing and Representing Creatively and Critically
Generate, select and organise ideas for writing and representing creatively and critically
Develop, organise and express ideas coherently, cohesively, creatively and critically in writing and representing to produce texts for a variety of purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures
Review, revise, edit and proofread to improve writing and representing
5. Grammar

A. Use of Terms
Use metalanguage for learning and talking about language structures and language in use
B. Grammar at Word, Phrase and Sentence Levels
Apply knowledge of grammatical rules at word and phrase levels
Apply knowledge of grammatical rules at sentence level
C. Grammar at Text Level
Show understanding of how the purposeful use of language shapes meaning in texts
6. Vocabulary

A. Developing Rich Vocabulary Knowledge
Develop word consciousness and use metalanguage while building vocabulary knowledge
Build rich vocabulary knowledge that supports the development of listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and representing skills
B. Using Vocabulary
Use words appropriate for purpose, audience, context and culture
These are the requirements for learning English in primary schools as outlined in the Singapore 2020 Primary English Syllabus. You and your child can get a first glimpse of the six areas of English learning before entering primary school, to better adapt to the school curriculum. You can also contact Mindworks if you and your child need any help with English learning!