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Why O Level Tuition in Singapore
To all students who are studying in local Secondary School, the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level) examination is the most important exam in their life. Their O-level results could determine whether they can go to their desired Junior College (JC) and study the ideal courses in Polytechnics. For private students who are taking the GCE O-level examination, this will also be an important life event for them. They must use this precious chance to make it to the tertiary schools they want to go.
In 2018, over 85% of the secondary 4 and 5 students are having home tuitions in Singapore. They are taking at least one private tuition to improve their core subjects. As such, the O-level academic competition has already been very intense in Singapore every year. This adds up lots of pressure for many graduating students who are preparing for the O-level examination. Additionally, all parents have great hope for their own sons and daughters to do well in their O-level examinations. Therefore, it is important to have a good O-level home tutor to do well in this “Once in a Lifetime” exam.
Mindworks Tuition have helped many parents provide suitable home tutors over the last 6 years. We have all kinds of tutors (undergraduate tutors, graduate part-time tutors, graduate full-time tutors, MOE teachers) to meet your child’s academic need.
We can recommend O-level home tuitions for the following subjects:
English / English Literature
Chinese / Higher Chinese
Additional Mathematics (A Math) / Elementary Mathematics (E Math)
Triple Sciences: Pure Physics, Pure Chemistry, Pure Biology
Combined Science
Combined Humanities (Social Studies, History, Geography)
All our registered home tutors are updated with the latest O-level syllabus. They are also committed to teach your child until O level.
Send us a tutor request today by filling the online tutor request form!
You can also call us at 85000358. Our friendly tuition coordinator is always ready to clarify your doubts.