Mindworks Tuition always provide the best and most accurate home tuition quotations to parents. We categorize tutors’ rates according to their academic qualifications and tutoring experience.
Tutors usually quote their own rates and we will help parents negotiate with them for their best rates.
The tuition rate table below is just a prediction of the Singapore’s home tuition market rates in 2024. The prediction is based on the daily asking prices we receive from our tutors.
If you really have a budget per hour below the minimum, we will do our upmost to find suitable home tutors within your budget. Kindly note that in this situation, we will have lesser guaranty for tutors’ quality. Therefore, we strongly suggest you follow closely to the hourly rates listed in the table below.
Kindly note that these hourly rates are based on what the average qualified tutor will expect. More experienced tutors with guaranteed results may quote a higher hourly rate. However, we will work hard to get the best tuition rates for you.

Updated Jul 2024. Tuition rates might be higher for subjects under the Integrated Programme (IP), Gifted Education Programme (GEP), Special Need and International Baccalaureate (IB).
*If you still have doubts, feel free to call us at 85000358 and we’ll gladly help answer your questions.
How to Successfully Find A Suitable Home Tutor in Singapore?
We Suggest You “4 Tips For Tuition Rates” Below
Rule #1: We Suggest You “4 Tips For Tuition Rates” Below
Home Tuition rates depend on tutors’ experience as well as their available time slots. We understand your need of finding the best tutor, however, you’ll find a suitable tutor with fewer requirements. The Laws of demand and supply apply here! Common requirements include: Gender, Combination of subjects, Schedule, Race, Budget etc.
Feel free to communicate with our tuition coordinators so they can help you with their expertise of knowing good tutors. Usually, it will be good to find two separate tutors when you have more than two different subjects, especially in rare subjects such as combined humanities or literature. Additionally, some full-time tutors do a better job in private tuitions than most ex-MOE and current MOE teachers.
Rule #2: Important Examinations & Lesson Duration
For graduating students who are in Primary 6, Secondary 4 or JC2, we advise you to raise your budgets to find a more qualified home tutor. This is a valuable investment because a good home tutor will help you score well in your subjects. With a good score, you will be able to enroll in your desired schools.
Though we understand that some young children (N1 to P1) with shorter attention span can have 1-hour lessons as a start, we highly recommend most private 1-to-1 home tuitions to be at least 1.5 hours per lesson. The tutors need at least 1.5 hours to explain the concepts clearly and consolidate your learning through relevant practices.
Kindly note that choosing the lesson duration to be less than 1.5 hour(s), the rate per hour will be slightly higher to account for the travelling time of the tutor.
Rule #3: Be Very Realistic About Your Budget
Though we will work hard to negotiate with the tutors to meet your budget, please be very realistic with the tuition rate that you are offering. Experienced home tutors with very good academic results, good student testimonials will not take up home tuitions lower than their usual rates.
We recommend our clients should follow closely to the Tuition Rate Table above or the quotations given by our tuition coordinators.
The tuition rates will be lower when home tutors stay very near to your houses or you are willing to travel to their places. We will also be willing to help you source for group tuition or tuition centres at affordable rates.
Rule #4: Lastly, Understand That Tuition Rate is Fair
Mindworks Tuition will not have any hidden charges about the tuition rates. All the home tuition rates we quote to our clients are the best rates from our home tutors.
Our tuition coordinators always make sure that our tutors are quoting fair and reasonable rates (based on their academic results, teaching experience and past students’ results) to the clients.