1) Who is charged with the agency fee?
Our services are free of charge for clients (parents and students). Clients only need to pay for the lessons conducted. The agency commission is charged on the tutor and deducted from their tuition fees. To facilitate this payment process, clients will need to pay directly to the agency at the beginning of the tuition so as to secure the lessons.
2) How much is the agency fee?
For long-term assignments, defined as tuitions that are intended to last for longer than 3 months:
50% of 1-month of tuition fees is collected as agent commission i.e Commission covers the tuition fees of the first 2-weeks of active lessons (not the calendar month).
Example 1: Client Zhang engages tutor A for once per week, at $50/lesson. The agency commission is equivalent to half of 4-lessons = 2 lessons ($100).
For short-term assignments, defined as tuitions that are intended to last for shorter than 3 months:
25% of 1-month of tuition fees is collected as agent commission i.e Commission covers the tuition fees of the first week of active lessons (not the calendar month).
Example 2: Client Wang engages tutor B for once per week, at $50/lesson. The agency commission is equivalent to one-fourth of 4-lessons = 1 lesson ($50).
3) How is the agency fee paid?
The commission shall be paid by the client (parent or student) directly to the agency. The commission is due to be paid 24 hours after confirmation letter and invoice have been sent out to the client. The actual amount of the payment will be clearly stated on the letter.
4) What if there is no show after paying the agency fee?
In the rare situation that the tutor does not follow through with the tuition arrangement, the client is free to break the tuition agreement where 100% of the commission paid will be refunded. Mindworks will also proceed to find a replacement immediately.
5) How to pay the tutor?
After the agency commission is paid, the client may then arrange direct payments to the tutor for all lessons from the 3rd week onwards.
Example 1 (continued): After completing 2-weeks worth of active lessons (a total of 4 lessons completed), Zhang pays the tutor the remaining 2 lessons fee of the month (i.e. the 3rd and 4th lesson). Thereafter, payment is made directly to Tutor A on a monthly basis or as agreed upon between Zhang and Tutor A.
6) What if there are changes to lesson frequency or duration?
Mindworks asks that clients try their best to maintain with the agreed frequency of the lessons during the first month of the lessons so that the amount collected by our agency cannot be changed. It is emphasized that Mindworks will charge according to the amount described in the confirmation letter regardless of any changes to be made latest 24 hours before the commencement of the lesson. It is expected that all details are finalized before the clients agree to accept the invoice from our agency. The clients may then coordinate with the tutors to adjust to students and tutors’ changing schedule needs in the subsequent months.
Example 1 (continued):
Agent A: Hi Mr. Zhang. Can I confirm that all the following details can be finalized?

Mr Zhang: Yes, I confirm to proceed with the above details
Agent A: Thank you. If so, we would like to proceed with the invoice whereby no further changes are allowed for both the tutors and clients alike. Is that ok?
Mr Zhang: Yes.
Agent A: Thank you, please see the following:

7) What about adding of subjects/students to the assigned tutor?
If client wants to try out one subject first and then add more subjects subsequently, it additional subjects/students will be treated as a new case and commission will be applied accordingly. Tutors and tutees are expected to inform their coordinators of any added lessons immediately.
8) Cancellations: How much to pay if tuition is cancelled before the completion of 2-weeks worth of lessons?
For Clients Who Wish to Cancel
Clients are free to terminate the tuition anytime if they find the tutor unsuitable. Clients shall be required to pay for all lessons conducted. If the tuition has been conducted for less than 4-weeks of lessons, Clients shall pay half of the fess directly to the agency and half of the fees directly to the tutor.
It must be noted that Clients must inform the agency at least 24 hours in advance before the next lesson starts. If the client informs the agency late and the tutor has made a trip down to the house, the client shall be liable to pay the full lesson payment whereby 50% of the fee goes to our agency and 50% as compensation to the tutor.
For Tutors Who Wish to Cancel
If tuition has been conducted for less than 4-weeks of lessons, then tutors are not allowed to back out of the tuition unless there is a valid excuse (e.g severe accident ). If the tutor does not provide a valid excuse, the tutor shall not be entitled to any tuition fees. If tutors behave irresponsibly to the point that the parents are dissatisfied and would like to cancel the whole assignment, the tutor will be liable to the commission charges to the agency or will be blacklisted.
Example 3:
Tutor C: Hi, I am so sorry but I don’t think I can proceed the lessons with Mr. Zhang due to a change in my scheduling.
Agent A: Hello Tutor C. I am so sorry but we require that our tutors complete at least one month worth of lessons otherwise, you will not be able to collect the tuition fees that you have collected so far, unless you have a strong enough reason. Are you comfortable to forfeit the fees to you in order to terminate this assignment?
Example 4:
Client Cheng: Hello Agent B, I am expecting Tutor D but he has not yet arrived and it has been 30 minutes! This is unacceptable! I would like to cancel all of my following tuitions with him.
Agent B: Hello Client Cheng. I am so sorry for the tutor’s misbehavior. I have been contacting him and sent him a reminder. I am sure there is an explanation on his end but if it makes you uncomfortable to continue lessons with him then we shall proceed to refund the lessons payment to you.
Client Cheng: Yes, please do. I do not tolerate late comers.
Agent B: Hello Tutor D. Kindly be noted that the client would like to cancel all upcoming lessons with you due to your misconduct. As such, we had to refund all of their lessons fee paid and you will need to compensate the agency loss in this case. Kindly transfer $100 (the value of 2-weeks of active lessons) to our account as agency fee. Otherwise, you will be blacklisted by our company. Please let us know if any problems/questions, thank you.
If the tuition has been conducted for more than 4-weeks of lessons, then tutors are free to terminate the tuition (although they are not encouraged to do so). Clients shall be required to pay for all lessons conducted and to pay the tutor directly (after paying the agency commission to the agency).
9) All payments due to the agency must be made by the Client directly to the agency
It is crucial to pay the agency’s share through the proper channel directly to avoid any losses.
If the Client is supposed to pay the agency, but instead pays through the tutor, the agency shall not be liable for any losses. The client shall remain as the party that is liable for paying the agency fee to the agency in all cases.